Thursday, September 12, 2019

Letter to the King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Letter to the King - Essay Example While attending the University of (), I was chosen as a Student Ambassador and carried out my duties effectively. I proceeded to post- graduate studies at Mitt Universitetet, where I received a Master Degree in Political Science. My Master’s thesis was focused on the political and economical impacts of the recent financial crisis on European Union countries. After graduation, I worked in the Department of Integration at the City of Sundsvall as a Project Manager on a six (6) month project co-financed by the European Union and the city. The objective of the project was to determine level to which immigrants have integrated into the Swedish society. The study primarily focused especially on Muslims immigrants. The project also sought ways and avenues to promote and encourage more immigrants to willingly integrate into their host societies. Whilst in Sweden, I have maintained good contacts in Morocco and in (name of city), the city where I live in Sweden. My experience coupled with my desire to serve my country is the reason why I contacted the Embassy of Kingdom of Morocco in Stockholm. As an active member of the Swedish Social Democratic Party, one of the most influential political organizations in Sweden, I am aware of the actions and unchecked determinations of a separatist group Polisario, which is very active in Sweden. It is no secret that Polisario and its members have canvassed and receive both financial and other forms of support from Swedes who sympathize with them. Polisario has convinced a majority of Swedes that their actions and agenda are for the benefit of the Moroccan people. In doing so, organizations like Polisario have succeeded in ‘branding’ the Kingdom of Morocco as not being a democratic and popular country, and in so damaged the reputation of Morocco. Your Majesty, it is my opinion that the Embassy of Morocco has not successfully articulated or defended your policies or Morocco’s reputation. As a direct

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